Sunday 10 January 2016

Opencv C++ code for drawing a Circular Spiral-Amazing Effects

This Opencv Tutorial is about drawing a Spiral.
In the previous tutorial we learn about drawing an Ellipse.
Thus this opencv tutorial will be an extension of that tutorial with some added mathematical logic for drawing a spiral.
To begin with we first start by drawing a semi-circle.
Now we just need to switch the orientation alternately and increase the radius of the semicircles to achieve the desired effect.
Here is the Opencv Code for drawing a Spiral:

//Opencv Code for Spiral Effect
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main( )
 // Create black empty images
 Mat image = Mat::zeros( 500, 500, CV_8UC3 );
 //Factor by which u need to increase the radius
 int x=5;

 for(int i=x;i<=250;i=i+x)
 // Draw a ellipse
 ellipse( image, Point( 250+x, 250 ), Size( i, i ), 180, 180, 0, Scalar( 0, 255,255 ), 2, 8 );
 waitKey( 100 );
 ellipse( image, Point( 250, 250 ), Size( i, i ), 0, 0, 180, Scalar( 0, 255,255 ), 2, 8 );
 waitKey( 100 );

 waitKey( 0 );


Opencv Tutorial For Drawing Spiral

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